Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Love Us or Hate Us... Get to Know LLE!


Recently, we were approached to participate in the filming of a (wait for it) REALITY SHOW! Whoa!! Now anyone that knows us, knows that we love certain reality television shows. 
Not crazy about all reality TV, but we do have our faves.

Anyway, so during our Skype "interview" (Yes, we did a Skype interview!) we were asked to describe one another. So in the famous words of Anna from Frozen, we were like, "Wait! What?!" LOL! Describe one another? You gotta be kidding us! HA! Well of course, because we spend our days and nights internalizing situations, we had to narrow this down. Which brings us to....

11 Things About LLE!

Amber Spills All...

11.  My favorite drink is a Decaf Hazelnut Macchiato with Whipped Cream 
(Or what we like to call QUIP!)

10.  I love Sci-fi movies.

9.  Reading is my life. Although I don't get to do it much.

8.  My favorite tech accessory is my Nook HD.

7.  I LOVE Vanilla Chocolate Chip ice cream.

6. My favorite holiday is Halloween. 

5.  I always wanted to be a ballerina! I'd wear a tutu everyday!

4.  I love yoga. Calms me... Then again, so does red wine. LOL!

3. My favorite concert was Beyonce! Loved it!

2.  I've been to my hubby for 5 years this April. #SpringWeddings

 1.  I have a one year old daughter that terrorizes my house!
But I LOVE her to pieces and kiss her all day!

Chanda dishes...

11.  I don't leave the house without sunglasses, like two pairs.

10.  I BELONG in Gryffindor. Come on Sorting Hat...

9.  Do NOT get in between me and my Starbucks! Love = Mistos

8.  I love watching basketball.  Let's GO HEAT! I'm depressed when season is over!

7. My favorite tech accessory is my Apple Watch!

6.  Look up astrological sign Cancer in the dictionary, see my picture. Wave and a smile!

5.  On my DVR: The Young and the Restless.

4.  Love Lava Cakes!

3.  Red or white? I'll take white!

2.  I live for my kids Noah and Kylie. XO

1. Married to my hubby 13 years this September! #FallWeddings

Love and Celebrations! ~ LLE

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